I'm settling in. It took me about a year to make it happen, but I moved up near my daughter and her small family this past August. I now live in a 1939 Cape Cod cottage near Lake Michigan and I love it. I can tell you it has been a remarkable undertaking, exhausting, monumental and rewarding. It took me 3 months to find the box with my socks in it and there are still things I can't find. But I am in, becoming a part of my new community and loving each and every minute of watching my grandson grow and explore. "Tanks Gaga..." that's all it takes.
But how does this old crabby basement become a studio? With memories of my lovely tucked in Rabbitville Road work area still tangled in my mind, and a lot of help from my friends, I started in. Two heavy coats of bright white Dryloc worked wonders. This past Christmas season, my busiest time of the year, I worked out of boxes, finding each new color of glaze as I needed it. I had a simple work table and a glazing station. Shipping happened on another banquet table. Boxes everywhere but it worked.
Thank you Kathryn for that lovely set of purple shelves. This is that same corner before hurricane Rita happened. And I mean this little sculptor, not the weather kind. (I am sure I did more damage.) After Christmas shelves were placed and jars of glaze found their homes.
Those months of intense holiday working gave me a good idea of what to put where.
Scary, isn't it? I have made a lot of progress in the last few months. I want to give a big shout out to Brandt and Allyson, Mike and Kim, Lexie, Ben and of course, my little cutie pie Asher. Obviously there is a long way to go, but wonderful things are coming out of this studio. I like it. Asher made his first sculptures here, his first owl. And I am only 5 miles from Lake Michigan...good decision. Now I had better get back to work.
Hurricane Rita always did work miracles. Looks GREAT!
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