Can you see the little nest in the wheel? |
A wren can live anywhere. I had a very determined one on Rabbitville Road, who kept building her nest in my gas grill. I finally gave up, and didn't cook out that summer. One also built a nest in a pile of sticks on the patio by my studio. She often perched on the fence outside the windows and sang and, I thought, peeked in to see what I was doing in my nest. We had lovely conversations, but I was frequently scolded for coming too near her territory when I came and went. Now miles away, and shaking off the cold, I opened the back door of my car the other day and realized the reason for some of those scoldings...she had built a nest in the spare wheel that is attached to the back of my car! Nesting season was over and the nest had been empty, but here was a sweet little remembrance of my old place and my little wren companion. Bits of sticks and that lovely moss that carpeted my woods were carefully patched into a nursery and a sweet memory. What a lovely going away present...
Wren on a Pansy Nest |
I take inspiration from my surroundings when I sculpt. I draw on my experiences and interpret them in clay. That's what artists do I guess. I have been sculpting these rust colored little bits of energy for a few years now. They completely fascinate me and they let me be familiar, share their lives. I love the color and the movement, and I love their adaptability. I see that there is a wren bird house on the garden fence here, so I will be looking forward to making new friends and hearing their songs. A woman I met up here has asked me several times what I am naming my cottage and I have decided. No surprise at all...Wren's Nest. A wren can live anywhere, and so can I.
Thank you so much! I love it when writers, such really good writers, like what I have written! Yay!
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