Saturday morning..market day! I love to go to the Orange County Farmer's Market, held in congress Square in Orleans, IN. I always start the shopping trip off with a free cup of coffee courtesy of the Lost River Co-op. The vendors are friendly, the produce fresh and fine and the crafts are so much fun. Today I bought a great big pumpkin of course, some odd gourds, but also another watermelon! My greatest prize was the only bunch of bittersweet I saw. I got that from my watermelon guy.
The absolutely wonderful lidded bowl at right came from Jackie Brock, a very talented man who brings his work to the market.
The air is crisp this morning. The leaves are starting to turn. The dogs are outside playing and I am making vegetable soup. Kelly took me to see the haunted campground last night at Spring Mill State Park. People go all out gooping up their campsites in a yearly competion to scare the wits out of the lucky people who stroll through to admire their work. It was very festive last night with people just pulling in, cooking their dinners and putting up their decorations. Spring Mill offers so many fall events to enjoy! I truly love that park.
I am so blessed to have these sweet events to visit and enjoy!
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