My grandson is growing, learning and getting into mischief. He is doing what little boys do. I am up visiting again and I am enjoying every single minute with this little boy and his parents. Yesterday he developed a new skill set. His mommy came into his bedroom and he had pulled himself up on the side of the bed and was kneeling there looking at her with the biggest, proudest smile. About like the one on the left in the pac and play I took later. Right before I took this picture, he had sat himself up from lying down. Uh oh, look out. We all went to a wedding and stopped between the ceremony and the reception to be held later and had a bite to eat. Mommy gave him a child's cracker to eat and with all of us looking, he "bit" off a bite with a loud snap. His eyes were huge as he realized what he did! And of course he snapped off bite after bite, laughing all the time. Daddy put him in the car seat as we prepared to leave. He raised up and tried to tip himself out, climbing with that determined look only a newly learned trick can give you. Really uh-oh now!
Friday baby and I took a long walk on the beach. It is one of the activities I really look forward to during my visits. This was our first walk together, just us. It was surprising weather for January in northern Indiana. It was like a warm spring day. He was very interested in the waves as we walked along. He talked to the sand. We sat a bit and let it run through our fingers. We talked to the sun and the sky. And we thanked God we were alive and sharing this moment. We saw dogs and so baby had to talk to them and say all the things he says to his puppies. We met people along the way who remarked what an adorable baby he was. We had nice people tell us how to see Chicago from the beach. We hugged each other and had fun.

Here are some pictures of our lucky baby and his mommy and daddy. They are amazed at how fast he is growing. They are enjoying every single minute of his life. And theirs. They are teaching him great things and showing him the world. They are feeding him fruit and raviolis and bites of new stuff all the time. When they enter the room, our baby has eyes for no one but them! And that is how it should be...
I lived next door to one set of grandparents, and 10 miles from the other. I grew up with them in my life, baking cookies, telling stories, teaching us stuff. My grandma has a special bowl that held m and m's, just for us. I want that for my baby. I am looking at houses. I am going to move closer to family. I love my place where I live now so very much. I love the house, the woods, the yard, the animals, the location. I love my friends there and all the people I have met. But I love this baby more. and I miss being near family. I can do it. I did it before and because of that, this mommy met this daddy. Good move. Let's roll the dice again...
As it shall be......Here's to you and Asher on your discovery of the next chapter of your lives!!!
Thanks Mimi! and thanks for all of your help along the way. I'm blessed!
Love your blog...and love you. Go for it! It will be the best move of your life!
So how's the search going??? Had any luck yet? I love hearing about Asher, so fun!
I'm working on it! I have looked at a lot of houses and my realtor is trying to find the perfect one. Glad you like hearing about Asher, that seems to be all I talk about!
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